

Photo Source: City Nation Place Global website 


Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) Chairman Gregorio Garcia III will be one of the main panelists at the City Nation Place 2018 Global Forum on November 7-8, 2018 in London, United Kingdom. He will present New Clark City, the country’s first smart and sustainable city, to an international audience composed of executives in the field of communications and marketing.


As a speaker in the session entitled “The evolving role of the private sector in place brand strategy,” Chairman Garcia will discuss how the power of the private sector can be harnessed to maximize an effective place brand strategy, specifically in positioning Clark as the investment destination of choice in the Asia Pacific region.      


The roster of prominent speakers include GREAT Britain Campaign Director Conrad Bird who handled various cross-government campaigns and worked on issues such as teenage drugs, consumer rights, Ottawa Tourism Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer Glenn Duncan who has an extensive knowledge and experience in global tourism industry trends, and Facebook’s Sean Evins. Evins leads the Politics and Government Outreach for Europe, Middle East and Asia team which works with government and political officials about Facebook’s platform including the best practices and top content to protect election integrity.  


The City Nation Place is a forum for place branding and place marketing of nations, regions and cities across the world. The forum is a huge opportunity for participants to re-think approaches in attracting tourism, talent and investment.


Chairman Garcia will showcase New Clark City as a key investment destination in the Asia-Pacific region, highlighting the importance of enhancing partnerships with the private sector in place branding and marketing.


The forum will also be a good platform to inform the international community on how the Philippines is taking on a modern and innovative approach in providing its people with massive infrastructure through the Duterte administration’s Build Build Build program. The said program is envisioned to improve interconnectivity and logistics in the whole archipelago and in the region by constructing mass transport systems, roads and bridges, and smart, sustainable cities.


The 9,450-hectare New Clark City is envisioned to be a viable solution to the congestion problem in the country. New Clark City will also have mixed-use of residential, commercial, agro-industrial, educational institutions, and other information technology developments.


Currently undergoing construction is the first phase of the development covering 60 hectares that will feature the National Government Administrative Center that will house back-up offices of various government agencies and a world-class sports complex, which will be completed in time for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games.


Chairman Garcia is a leading marketing and political consultant. He earned a reputation in the field of marketing and communications with an exposure in banking and real estate development.  For 20 years, he served as chairman and chief creative officer of Leo Burnett Philippines, one of the biggest advertising agencies in the country.


He also served as the founding director of the Advertising Board of the Philippines, founding chairman of the Creative Guild of the Philippines, and the founding director of the Bank Marketing Association of the Philippines.

He is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Creative Guild and the Maverick Award of the Association of Philippine Advertising Agencies.

For more details about the forum, visit